General FAQ | Denied suggestions
General FAQ
What's this MUD thingy anyway?
[ Back to Top ]
This and other question related to mudding in general can
be found in the FAQ for the rec.games.mud.misc
newsgroup. If you are interested in the history of MUDs, you
can find a well-written account (including interviews) at
What's the difference between
an LPMud and any other MUD? [ Back
to Top ]
We are pretty sure the FAQ for the rec.games.mud.lp
can sort this out for you. The questions we will answer here
are queries we have got from players and would-be-players
of Midnight Sun.
Do I need any special program
to connect to Midnight Sun? [ Back
to Top ]
You need a telnet program, which is included in all Unix systems.
There is also telnet for winsock or MacTCP if you're running
Microsoft Windows or Macintosh. See also the question about
Mud clients further down. If you have problems connecting,
you can download GMUD, a
simple mud client for Windows, from our server (it is a small
zip self-extractor file). Actually, you might want to download
it anyway if you don't have a mud client yet, as it will make
your first experience with the game much more enjoyable. If
you need help installing and running the client, you can find
detailed instructions here.
What is a mud client?
[ Back to Top ]
A mud client is a special kind of telnet program that was
especially designed to play muds with. You can program aliases,
highlight certain text strings (like tells) and lots of other
nice things. Many people at Midnight Sun use a client.
The most popular ones are
Altough created for usage with MUSHes and Tiny's, it is very
good for LPmuds too.
A very popular client for the windows platforms.
Is there a mud client for
system ...? [ Back to Top
TinyFugue compiles under most Unix Systems, Zmud
runs on the Windows platforms. For Macintosh, the most popular
client is Rapscallion.
We have heard of clients for VMS and OS/2, but you have to
find them yourself. Section two
of the rec.games.mud.misc
FAQ is a very good place to start looking!
I can't connect to Midnight
Sun. What's up? [ Back to Top
There may be several possibilities, including netlag, machinelag,
broken network or that we're down. If you are able to reload
this page in your browser than it is not the network or our
server. In that case have a close look at the settings of
you telnet program or mud client.
- Make sure you have specified the port (3000)
- Make sure your use that right syntax for that. Some programs
require you to fill in the port in a special field others
demand you add the port to the hostname. And in that case
some require a space between the hostname and the port,
others a ':'
- There may be a problem with the program that searches
our ip with our hostname. Try to connect to our numerical
address ( instead.
- If you still can't connect, you might be behind a firewall
that prevents you from playing the game. There is little
we can do if that is the case.
I can connect but get immediately
disconnected again. [ Back to
Top ]
Most likely we have added the host you are using
to our list of host that are not allowed to connect to Midnight
Sun. This happens when people playing from that host broke
the rules and were removed. If the situation asks for it we
can block the whole host from accessing us. Blocking may last
just a couple of days or for an indetermined amount of time.
Make sure to read the message given to you before disconnecting.
We have several restrictive measurement between normal access
and no access. One of those requires you to register with
us first through email before you can play. If that is the
case it will be shown on your screen when you connect. Another
option is that the message says that the game is temporarily
closed for players, this happens when something (serious)
is wrong that we need to fix before playing can continue.
This is not something that happens often but it could happen.
In this case the game will be reopened again when the problem
is resolved. Try to connect again a bit later.
Does Midnight Sun have/allow...
[ Back to Top ]
Guilds |
Yes, we have several guilds.
A player can only belong to one guild though they can
leave the guild to join another at any time. |
Races |
All player characters are human
or at least start as human. |
Spells |
A guildless person does not
have spells, but once you belong to a guild you will
have access to a variety of spells and abilities. |
Skills |
Each guild differs. Some do have
skill or guildlevel systems that operate alongside the usual
levelling system, but some do not. Generally the output of your
skills and abilities is based on your stats. |
Multiplaying |
Sufficiently high level players are
given the option to create additional characters, but under no
circumstances are any players allowed to have more than one
character logged into the MUD at one time. |
Quest hinting |
No, questhinting is rude
to the wizard who spent a lot of time creating the quest.
Quests in MS are not required, however they will help
you advance faster. No quest will ever stop you from
advancing any further though. |
Playerkilling |
Not really. The intent for
this game is a to have a very friendly atmosphere. Playerkilling
does not fit in what we want for the game. There may
be some places where players can fight each other, but
losing in such a fight will not actually kill you. |
Robotplaying |
No, robotplaying is forbidden |
Triggers |
Triggers may only be used
if they DO NOT send anything to the mud as a response
to something that your client receives from the mud.
So as an example, colouring certain messages is legal
(does not send anything to the mud), whereas automatically
doing a 'get all' when you receive a message '.... died'
IS illegal. See the rules for more information. |
Hmm but I want those things
you don't have ... now what ? [ Back
to Top ]
In that case Midnight Sun isn't the right game for
you. Since there are many muds out there you should be able
to find one. A good place to look for muds is at the Mud
just said X, what does that mean? [ Back
to Top ]
The world of mudding is full of strange abbreviations and
terms, these are some of the most common.
AFK - Away from Keyboard
FYI - For your information
IMHO - In my humble opinion
LD - Linkdead, a user that lost his/her
link to the server
LOL - Laugh out loud
NPC - Non-Player Character, a creature not
controlled by a player.
OTOH - On the other hand
ROTFL or ROFL- Rolls on the
floor Laughing
In addition, there are also abbreviations unique
to Midnigt Sun. Some of those you may run into soon after
entering the game are listed below.
Can I kill
the monster Foo? [ Back
to Top ]
We don't know - can you? The only way to find out is
to try. Perhaps you should stick to things like butterflies
in the beginning and leave the dragons for the lords, though.
You can get some hints by using the compare command (see the
help page inside the game).
How long
is it until that room/monster/object resets? [
Back to Top ]
The time for a given room to reset is not information we have.
Can you
reset this room for me? [ Back
to Top ]
Rooms or objects etc will only be re-loaded or reset by the immortals
in order to correct bugs or errors.
I want
to code here, can you insta-wiz me?
[ Back to Top ]
We never did that and we never will. We welcome
new immortals, but all of them will have to reach level 15
as a player before they can become one.
I like
your mud, can I have a copy of the lib (or parts thereof)
[ Back to Top ]
We spent a lot of time and effort to make
a game we like. We try to make it as unique as we can. Giving
out pieces of our code would not help us in that effort and
therefore will never be done.
Why aren't
there any more answers to frequently asked questions here?
[ Back to Top ]
Because we haven't had time to write any yet. If you
think you have a question that should be put here, you're
welcome to send a mail
to us.