Ancient legends tell of magnificent swords, forged in forgotten times by great men, who were both proficient artisans and magicians. During this era, the world was infested by dragons and their kind. Hence, the need of a very special weapon arose. After several years of hard work, the Dragonslayer was finished, ready to rid the world of the threat of Dragons. A powerful knight was equipped with the great blade, and off he went! His crusade lasted for many a year, making the world a better place to live in. When the world was cleared from the great evil, the Dragonslayer was given to a clan of war monks to guard. Today, the dragons are once again infesting our realms, unfortunately noone is able to make such a great weapon as the Dragonslayer again, therefore, you must find it. The war monk clan, who were rivals to the great Zothen's is rumoured to live in the vast Grey Forest outside Everlund. Combat: Required Level: Mid (8-10) Complexity: Moderate |