Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Frontpage

Page 1

 Welcome to the The Midnight Sun Daily.
 Use read next, read page  and read previous to read this paper.
 This edition was created on Sun Dec 12 00:48:25 2004
 In this edition you will find the following sections:
    Section                         Pages    
    Frontpage                       1
    Commercial announcements        2 to  3
    Who the heck is                 4 to 10
    Deaths and murders             11

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Commercial announcements

Page 2

                  C E R T H U N   L O T T E R Y

 The pot for this week's Lottery was 88000 coins, and the winner is:

As a reminder, all players are welcome to participate in the lottery,
which is drawn every boot. To place a bet, go to the Certhun Pub (over
the castle drawbridge, west six times, south eight, then east).
                            Good Luck!

          C O M R A D E S - I N - A R M S   N E E D E D

 Our beloved city of Minbara is being besieged by the evil wizard
 Vlaurkir's horde. In order to diminish their numbers and gain much

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Commercial announcements

Page 3

 needed arms, I will reward you with gold for equipment taken from
 slain Vlaurkans. There is big money to be earned - our best seller,
 the heroic and noble Easy, has so far made 21631636 coins!
 So please, come to Minbara and help us in our dire time of need!

           / Brute, Minbarian Shopkeeper

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 4

On Fri Dec 10 22:59:34 2004 I had an interview with the famous
Zot Muscular Ovate of the Circle
Below is a literal representation of that conversation.

Shorleck: Tell something about yourself outside MS, what nationality
          are you, what do you do in your spare time from ms anything
          you want to share with us ?
Zot: I have absolutely no social life, as you can probably tell from
     my mean presence, so I have very little to say about life outside
     of the  realms of Midnight Sun.  I live in the United Stated, in
     the hick  assbackwards state of Utah, near the Great Salt Lake. 
     I'm currently on  a job serach, and working on personal coding
     projects.  In my spare  time....  I idle on MS and tweak the hell
     out of my zMUD settings. Not terribly exciting, but then again,
     neither am I.  Cat.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 5

Shorleck: What is your favorite place within the realms of MS ?
Zot: Wow, my favourite place in the realms?  There are so many areas
     that I  like to hunt in...  Aldar used to be one my favourite,
     but since the  area's cash flow dried up, I just haven't felt the
     same urge to hunt  there.  Almoth gets boring quickly.  Many
     quest areas are enjoyable,  but the Admin's black ink won't let
     me share about that.  So... to be  honest, I don't think I can
     select a favourite hunting grounds.  Idling  grounds, on the
     other hand, are where I have the most fun, since they  often
     double as a chat area..  And the best place for that is obviously
     the Central Castle -- specifically, the Square of Arrivals.  So
     many  people coming and going, going and coming, it's enough to
     give anyone a  small army of friends to talk with.  Also, many of
     our beautiful female  players will spend some time there, and
     there's nothing I like better  than spending some quality time
     with a beautiful woman.  Unfortunately,  I haven't found a single

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 6

     ugly MS player yet, so I can't tell you how it  feels to be with
     them.  But... oh, dear Freja, those ladies of the  central

Shorleck: What place do you hardly ever go to and why not ?
Zot: [laughs] Well... I've already mentioned the lack of cash in
     Aldar.   Other than that, I dislike Lesumnon because it's so
     incomplete; the  Island of Arcanarton because I dislike the
     Wyrm's breath; and  Bunnifester, because of those goddamn
     bunnies!  ... Oh yes, one other  -- the chapel.  Unless someone
     is getting married, because I don't  think I'll be hearing any
     wedding bells in the near future.  *sighs*   Oh, well.  The
     ladies still keep me company.  =)

Shorleck: From all the quests you did, which one did you enjoy the
          most, what made it special ?

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 7

Zot: Ooh, the quests.  How hard to answer without giving away hints to
     solve  those complex beasts...  I can say without doubt that the
     quest I  enjoyed beyond any other was the Archmage's Heritage. 
     Elvira, the  Demented Demonic Witch behind that failure of a
     project, left behind a  wonderous and unique system with which a
     player can correct her errors  and retrieve the weapon crafted of
     the God's Power!  Much thanks and  kudos to Elvira for leaving
     such a fun quest for us after her  disappearance.  Unfortunately,
     I cannot describe the elements that I  loved without telling too
     much about the quest itself.  So everyone  else, please put all
     your effort into finding Kadherland and find out  for yourself
     how great a quest really can be.

Shorleck: What is your favourite weapon and why ?
Zot: My favourite weapon is the Dragon Sabre, obtained from Sha'Dix in
     Drelexor castle.  I really enjoy having a weapon that one has to

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 8

     train  against different specifies in order to maximize its
     potential.  Now,  if only there weren't so many species that it
     understood, and provided  defensive powers as well...  it would
     be the ultimate weapon for me.

Shorleck: Which monster is your biggest enemy ?
Zot: Colonel Delmar.  I hate that man.  The brat.  The ass.  The
     screwball.   That man is responsible for more of my accidental
     deaths than probably  all the others combined.  I hope to utterly
     destroy him someday, to the  point where nothing grows back but
     his head in a jar.  The dirty  monster.  Curse him to the depths
     of hell, I say!

Shorleck: What goals have you set for yourself here in MS, are you
          here for chatting or you want to play or striving for
          wizhood ?

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 9

Zot: My goal is simple, Shorleck.  My goal here is to have fun.  It
     doesn't  matter what I am, if I'm a player, or a wizard, even an
     admin (perish  the though!)  I want to have fun, and I have it
     many ways and with as  many people as possible.  I hunt for the
     thrill of the kill.  I talk  for the thrill of people saying they
     don't hate me.  And I bitch  because everyone loves to bitch
     about something.  And, ofcourse, do not forget about all the
     pretty ladies.  Nothing is  more fun than laughing and flirting
     with a pretty girl or two.  ;)

Shorleck: Is there anything else you would like to add ?
Zot: Of course...  One more thing I would like to say...  .     ____  
     _     _        _ .    |  _ \ _ __ _   _(_) __| |___   | |____ _  
     _ ___  .    | | | | '__| | | | |/ _  / __|  | /  _ | |  | / _ \ .
     | |_| | |  | |_| | | (_| \__ \  | | |_| \ \/ /| __/ .   
     |____/|_|  \_____|_|\____|___/  |_\____/ \__/ \___) .            

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Who the heck is

Page 10

     _            _ .                  ____  ___ _| |_ ____    | | .  
     /  __)(__ (__ __/ ___)   | | .                 | |__/ _  | |
     |_\__  \   |_| .                 \____\___/| \___(____/   (_)

Here ended our conversation. I wish to thank Zot
for him cooperation and wish him a lot of happy hunting.
  -- Shorleck --

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Deaths and murders

Page 11

- A huge black butterfly sits on a flower and Eroahn got involved in
a heated argument, which resulted in Eroahn's death at Dec 10

- Midnight Sun Mourns the passing of Zot, who was taken from the
realms of the living on Dec 11 23:48:44 by Count Body.

- MS suffered a tragic loss Dec 11 03:45:14 when Que was brutally
slain by Kain the guardian. MS will be pursuing the details of this
death to see if criminal charges should be filed.

- Midnight Sun Mourns the passing of Bonfire, who was taken from the
realms of the living on Dec 10 18:28:01 by A legionnaire.

- A nasty orc and Rampage got involved in a heated argument, which
resulted in Rampage's death at Dec 11 20:31:41.