Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Frontpage

Page 1

 Welcome to the The Midnight Sun Daily.
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 This edition was created on Tue Dec 21 18:16:08 2010
 In this edition you will find the following sections:
    Section                         Pages    
    Frontpage                       1
    Commercial announcements        2

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Commercial announcements

Page 2

          C O M R A D E S - I N - A R M S   N E E D E D

 Our beloved city of Minbara is being besieged by the evil wizard
 Vlaurkir's horde. In order to diminish their numbers and gain much
 needed arms, I will reward you with gold for equipment taken from
 slain Vlaurkans. There is big money to be earned - our best seller,
 the heroic and noble Easy, has so far made 35106002 coins!
 So please, come to Minbara and help us in our dire time of need!

           / Brute, Minbarian Shopkeeper

                  M I D N I G H T   S U N   H U N T S

The next hunt is the Immortal Guild Hunt scheduled for Jan 13 and thus
will commence on Wed Jan 12 2011.  That's about 6 boots away.