Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Frontpage

Page 1

 Welcome to the The Midnight Sun Daily.
 Use read next, read page  and read previous to read this paper.
 This edition was created on Thu Nov 28 02:40:26 2024
 In this edition you will find the following sections:
    Section                         Pages    
    Frontpage                       1
    Commercial announcements        2 to  3
    Deaths and murders              4

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Commercial announcements

Page 2

              MOST ADVANCEMENT
The following players advanced the most in the previous boot                
  1. Rev                                                  
  2. Krugel                                               
  3. Feri                                                 

          C O M R A D E S - I N - A R M S   N E E D E D

 Our beloved city of Minbara is being besieged by the evil wizard
 Vlaurkir's horde. In order to diminish their numbers and gain much
 needed arms, I will reward you with gold for equipment taken from
 slain Vlaurkans. There is big money to be earned - our best seller,
 the heroic and noble Easy, has so far made 35106002 coins!
 So please, come to Minbara and help us in our dire time of need!

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Commercial announcements

Page 3

           / Brute, Minbarian Shopkeeper

                  M I D N I G H T   S U N   H U N T S

The next hunt is the Turkey Hunt scheduled for Thanksgiving and thus
will commence on Tue Nov 26 2024.  That's this boot!

          G O N D O R F F' S  H O U S E  o f  B E T T I N G
Do you need new windows and doors for your shack or upgrading to a new
tower? Are you lacking the funds? Why not come and visit us and leave
as a wealthy owner of a new tower?
The happy visitor Kir: "I have won 20242435!"

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Deaths and murders

Page 4

- Midnight Sun Mourns the passing of Ego, who was taken from the
realms of the living on Nov 26 15:35:33 by A tall, hideous, moving