The top Elyssa killers
The following people are on the Most Wanted List in Valor:
This is the list of the top 24 people who have killed Elyssa:
Kir |
1660 times |
Zezel |
600 times |
Boeowulf |
1349 times |
Jet |
564 times |
Krugel |
1140 times |
Khar |
543 times |
Starfighter |
1029 times |
Philo |
433 times |
Watson |
887 times |
Athena |
378 times |
Grog |
854 times |
Malagant |
355 times |
Vigilante |
775 times |
Clipse |
349 times |
Kostas |
750 times |
Kilo |
344 times |
Mirec |
747 times |
Jacky |
324 times |
Elminster |
642 times |
Forrest |
319 times |
Macleod |
642 times |
Rangifer |
261 times |
Azzy |
638 times |
Atlas |
251 times |
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