Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Frontpage

Page 1

 Welcome to the The Midnight Sun Daily
 Use read next, read page  and read previous to read this paper.
 This edition was created on Wed Aug 26 21:32:54 1998
 In this edition you will find the following sections :
    Section               Pages    
    Frontpage             1
    Deaths and murders    2 to  3
    Lifestyle             4

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Deaths and murders

Page 2

- A lynx and Nighthawk got involved  in a heated argument, which
resulted in Nighthawk's death at Aug 25 19:18:58.

- A giant lizard and Alf got involved  in a heated argument, which
resulted in Alf's death at Aug 26 16:22:24.

- Onyx the black dragon of darkness and Tacin got involved  in a
heated argument, which resulted in Tacin's death at Aug 26 16:19:57.

- A hungry grizzly bear and Ladyshira got involved  in a heated
argument, which resulted in Ladyshira's death at Aug 26 03:56:36.

- A rescue party was sent to the lair of Xavier the knight champion
of the castle to recover the body of Daytona. The autopsy shows that
the estimated time of death was Aug 25 07:39:27.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Deaths and murders

Page 3

- It is with great sadness that we report the unexpected death of
Ferencz at the hands of Chocholna, the protector of cave trolls on
Aug 25 18:30:57. It appears to be a case of self defense.

- A rescue party was sent to the lair of Isthan the lost knight to
recover the body of Forsaken. The autopsy shows that the estimated
time of death was Aug 25 22:04:42.

- A rescue party was sent to the lair of Grey Plume guard to recover
the body of Warsblood. The autopsy shows that the estimated time of
death was Aug 25 12:01:28.

- Midnight Sun Mourns the passing of Ixias, who was taken from the
realms of the living on Aug 25 17:43:20 by Morthant, the
fire-breathing dragon.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Lifestyle

Page 4

The following players decided to climb the spire and have been added
to list of immortals :

- Ragge       - Wing        - Spenser     - Mari        - Artax
- Glasses     - Hengist     - Ceer        - Sollar      - Cure
- Zerbon      - Conan       - Dzemen      - Cannibal    - Cheetah
- Thurian     - Norris      - Ishir       - Airwave     
- Oak         - Lerik       - Immortal    - Monterion   
- Iluwatar    - Ailee       - Galahad     - Kulgan      
- Zub         - Soso        - Moonie      - Maruader