Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Frontpage

Page 1

 Welcome to the The Midnight Sun Daily
 Use read next, read page  and read previous to read this paper.
 This edition was created on Fri Feb 12 03:30:40 1999
 In this edition you will find the following sections :
    Section               Pages    
    Frontpage             1
    From the editors      2 to  3
    Commercial ads        4
    Deaths and murders    5

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: From the editors

Page 2

- Recent Updates -

Starting with this note, we are going to try to keep players updated
about small changes or balances made in the game that aren't big
enough to be posted on the official board. The things posted here
will not be very important to life as a player, but hopefully will
be more like reading the news paper and seeing what is happening in
the world around you.

Here is a list of a few recent modifications made:
    - There is a new version of the marriage ring, for those of you
      who are married. It is much nicer than the old version and the
      mtalk channel now supports emotes.  
    - The unique weapon Dragon Sabre has also been changed to that
      the 'skill levels' earned are no longer only beneficial to the
      person who was using the sabre.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: From the editors

Page 3

    - A new version of the popular weapon Energy Sword is now
      available. This 'greater' aspect of the sword is two-handed
      and weighs a bit more. (Note: the old, well-loved version is
      still available:)
    - Two new emotes, 'bonk', and 'huggle' (thank blue for huggle;)
      have been added.   
    - Assuming you have a timezone set, the 'time' command now also 
      displays local time.
    - The Sword of Quickness has been given a general upgrade.
    - Shortnames work again on channels. (for those of you who didn't
      know it was broken, bleh :P) eg, 'lorde kick lex' works.
We will try to include pages like this in the paper when any
smaller(!) changes are made around the mud that might interest you.


Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Commercial announcements

Page 4

 The pot for this week's Lottery was 109454 coins, and the winner is:
As a reminder, all players are welcome to participate in the lottery,
which is drawn every boot. To place a bet, go to the Certhun Pub (over
the castle drawbridge, west four times, south eight, then east).
                            Good Luck!

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Deaths and murders

Page 5

- It is with great sadness that we report the unexpected death of
Wrench at the hands of gnoll guard on Feb 10 17:48:23. It appears to
be a case of self defense.

- MS suffered a tragic loss Feb 11 17:42:15 when Frith was brutally
slain by A ghost dragon. MS will be pursuing the details of this
death to see if criminal charges should be filed.

- It has been discovered that a nasty altercation with guard has
resulted in the untimely death of Leshrac on Feb 10 22:22:54.

- It is with great sadness that we report the unexpected death of
Morgath at the hands of A beggar is sitting here, whining on Feb 10
20:19:47. It appears to be a case of self defense.