Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Frontpage

Page 1

 Welcome to the The Midnight Sun Daily
 Use read next, read page  and read previous to read this paper.
 This edition was created on Tue Jun  8 05:15:50 1999
 In this edition you will find the following sections :
    Section               Pages    
    Frontpage             1
    From the editors      2 to  4
    Deaths and murders    5 to  7
    (Un)Happy couples     8

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: From the editors

Page 2

- Changes -

Been a while, but there are a few changes to let you all know 

    - Energy Sword has received a minor downgrade, and is now 
      semi-unique in the fact that only a certain number of them 
      will be allowed in the game at a given time. This applies 
      to the Greater aspect of the weapon as well.
    - The history command has been implemented. 'help command 
      history' to learn how to use it. 
    - 'who senior' finally works (Woo Woo! :)
    - The guards in drelexor castle are now helping each other 
      out in combat, so be careful.
    - The ants in, or under, the grasslands have also been 
      downgraded in the amount of money they give. 

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: From the editors

Page 3

    - Manetheren has changed shape a bit. For those of you lords 
      who were brave enough to fight Dicer, his saloon has been 
      moved to another location in the area.
    - 'drink drink' is now generically supported. (except in a 
      few special cases such as magic mug, etc)
    - WWW finger's are fixed for people with no fp or use a lot 
      of spaces.
    - 'compare' cmd has been altered, and now supports 'all' 
      to compare str, dex and con in one go.     
    - Removing/placing items in a bag or such now displays the 
      correct message. (Was: ' takes ring.', is now: 
      ' takes ring from bag.') 
    - Changed msg when you read a note on a board that dosen't 
      contain a note of that number.
    - Title changes (deaths, raising stats, etc), are now 
      displayed a bit  differently.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: From the editors

Page 4

    - The 'follow' command works, but will never become 100%
    - The helppages layout has been improved where needed.
    - People who have ANSI on will no longer have their hpbar
      overwritten when typing 'score'. 
    - The kicking money bug has been fixed, and you can now 
      properly kick money. (Am not even going to comment on
      that one ;).
    - 'shoutl' looks a lot better (most blank lines removed).

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Deaths and murders

Page 5

- The mistress and queen of the woodlands and Midori got involved 
in a heated argument, which resulted in Midori's death at Jun  7

- Midnight Sun Mourns the passing of Ayla, who was taken from the
realms of the living on Jun  6 17:50:45 by gnoll guard.

- It is with great sadness that we report the unexpected death of
Smooth at the hands of gnoll chieftain on Jun  7 11:55:29. It
appears to be a case of self defense.

- It has been discovered that a nasty altercation with A skeleton
has resulted in the untimely death of Cooc on Jun  6 20:21:08.

- Midnight Sun Mourns the passing of Beryl, who was taken from the
realms of the living on Jun  7 22:18:05 by The mistress and queen of

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Deaths and murders

Page 6

the woodlands.

- MS suffered a tragic loss Jun  6 16:54:38 when Kir was brutally
slain by Lucifer, the demon knight. MS will be pursuing the details
of this death to see if criminal charges should be filed.

- Midnight Sun Mourns the passing of Wesley, who was taken from the
realms of the living on Jun  6 23:17:12 by A beggar is sitting here,

- A rat and Grimreaper got involved  in a heated argument, which
resulted in Grimreaper's death at Jun  7 18:25:31.

- A rescue party was sent to the lair of A man clad in black to
recover the body of Lhyyr. The autopsy shows that the estimated time
of death was Jun  7 15:59:17.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: Deaths and murders

Page 7

- A rescue party was sent to the lair of a grey wolf to recover the
body of Cortex. The autopsy shows that the estimated time of death
was Jun  7 06:26:47.

- MS suffered a tragic loss Jun  6 13:24:54 when Mart was brutally
slain by gnoll guard. MS will be pursuing the details of this death
to see if criminal charges should be filed.

Midnight Sun Daily

Section: (Un)Happy couples

Page 8

On Tue Jun  8 04:19 Vladimir divorced Sky.