Midnight Sun is a fantasy LPMud with a rich 30+ year history. Originating at a
college in Sweden in 1991, Midnight Sun expanded to every corner of the world.
Across the 30 year development of the MUD, dozens of programmers under multiple
administrations have created a large world with a huge variety of themes. Rather
than a character class, you can join one of our guilds
each of which has a unique playing style, and many of them also contain subguilds
giving a great deal of customization. Adventure and explore through thousands of
rooms in dozens of areas. Complete any of our 70 quests,
and enjoy a casual and relaxed community. There are only a few, simple rules,
so come join us under the Neversetting Sun!
Some of the features
you will find:
- A large and expansive world
- Over 10 000 rooms in 60+ areas
- 70 fully optional quests
- 8 guilds, each with a unique
playing style
- Housing for the lords and ladies
- A unique astrology system
- A beautiful graphical interface for Mudlet
- Hunt events for inter-guild competition
- A whole host of toplists and leaderboards
- No playerkilling
- Friendly players and immortals, great community
What kind of game
is Midnight Sun then?
Midnight Sun has developed into as much
a social club as it has a game. We do not have playerkilling, and nothing
approaching mandatory roleplaying. Instead we have a close-knit community
that chats and jokes while our characters adventure and grow in power.
Whether you adventure solo or in a party, there are a huge number of areas
to explore, secrets to find, quests to complete, loot to acquire, and skills
to master. Gain experience, raise your stats, increase your level and take on
even greater challenges.
Our immortal wizard staff all started as
players just like everybody else. Over the decades, we've transitioned through
several administrations, and well over a hundred players-turned-coders. This
creates an atmosphere where the immortals are active in the community, and
you won't just hear from a wizard if you've gotten in trouble.
How do I get started
in the game?
Midnight Sun is an easy place
to get started. Most of the commands are intuitive, the help
files are extensive and easy to navigate, and the players
helpful. There is no newbie school that you have to go through
before entering the real world, but if you are new to the
game, it might be a good idea to consult the Newbiebook
(which will also start in your inventory when you log in), or even the Getting
Started section of this webpage. For instructions on how
to connect to the game, look here.
Okay, what else?
You can also see who
is logged in. If players have set their homepages, you
can jump to those as well. Do note that we don't verify or
check any of those pages. Somebody you are looking for isn't
there? Use this option to finger
him/her. Wondering who are the top achievers around here?
Then check our toplists.
And if you like the game and
find a free moment, you can go to the voting
page to help us promote Midnight Sun on several gaming
Total page hits (since Dec 9, 2015)
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hours you help new players find the game.
your vote to Midnight Sun now!
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