The Quest Book

Obtain the rank Smart Gambler

* * * * * * M U L T I P L A Y E R Q U E S T * * * * * *

Obtain the rank of SMART GAMBLER in the Gamblers House.

In theory this quest can be solved with the assistance of only one
other player. However, there is no upper limit on how many other
players assistance you may need if you are not smart enough.

In theory this quest can be solved within a couple of minutes.
However, it can also take several months if you are not smart enough.

In theory you can get yourself lots of money while you or others are
trying to solve the quest. However, you may also lose a lot if you
are not smart enough.

No combat. One room. Good relations with others will most probably help
but the main thing is that you dont forget your brain at home.

Dont bother to come here if you are below level 3 or can't show enough
cash. The owner of Gamblers House can't stand people that are
unserious, unexperienced or broke.

Curious ? Well why are you still here then ?
Try your luck and join the cool gang inside Gamblers House !!!

Combat: None
Level: 3+
Complexity: Simple